DEVILFISHDevilfishDe missie van de Devilfish / druk 1Beware the devilfish . Stingray envenomationNOTES ON THE DEVILFISH, MOBULA-LUCASANA, AND ITS PARASITESStudies on Digestive Enzymes of DevilfishDirt-sifting devilfish: winnowing in the geophagine cichlid Satanoperca daemon and evolutionary implicationsLarval Development of the Australian Devilfish, Gymnapistesmarmoratus (Teleostei: Scorpaenidae)New Records and Observations on the Flapjack Devilfish, Opisthoteuthis californiana BerryNatural history notes on the devilfish, Manta birostris (Walbaum) and Mobula olfersi (Müller). Bulletin of the AMNH ; v. 35, articl...