Ultra-Violet Apparatus with Burner for Direct Immersion in Liquids.Emrah Hicazi AKSU 1 Farklı Senkronizasyon Uygulamaları ile Senkronize Edilen İneklerde Üreme Performansı Üzerine Vitamin E'nin...Capacity of human serum to depolymerize actin filamentsAntioxidant capacity of cow milk, whey and deproteinized milkThe use of sonication treatment to decellularize aortic tissues for preparation of bioscaffolds.Prognostic value of undeproteinized plasma pyridoxal 5'-phosphate concentrations.Prognostic Value of Undeproteinized Plasma Pyridoxal 5′-Phosphate Levels in Health and DiseaseOriginal Research Article STUDIES AND ANALYSIS OF GROWTH OF ASPERGILLUS NIGER FUNGI ON DEPROTEINIZED LEAF JUICE (DPJ)Effect of a dietary lysine deficiency on the concentration of amino acids in the deproteinized blood plasma of chicks.Biocompatibility of induced bone mesenchymal stem cells on xenogeneic deproteinized cancellous bone