- The last chapter discusses the significance of the dialogism to being.
第六章讨论对话美学的生存论意义。 - The dialogic nature of the texts is exemplified in the forms of ostensive dialogism and covert dialogism.
Dialogism :
Dialogism: Bakhtin and His Word
Dialogism : Bakhtin and his world
Dialogism and dialogicality in the study of the self
The Epic and the Novel: Dialogism and Teacher Research
Verses Nature: Heterogeneity and Dialogism in the Novel
Toward Semiotic Dialogism The Role of Sign Mediation in the Dialogical Self
Dialogism and Polyphony in Organizing Theorizing in Organization Studies: Action Guiding Anticipations and the Continuous Creation o...
ReaderBench: Automated evaluation of collaboration based on cohesion and dialogism