- Unlike torpor, diapause is a long-term state of suspension.
滞育和冬眠不一样,是一种长期的休眠状态。 - The paper emphasizes that there are multiple pathways to diapause completion.
Regulation of diapause.Doushantuo embryos preserved inside diapause egg cystsInsect Seasonality: Diapause Maintenance, Termination, and Postdiapause DevelopmentInduction and development of winter larval diapause in a drosophilid fly, Chymomyza costata.Effect of temperature regime on diapause intensity in an adult-wintering Hymenopteran with obligate diapausedaf-2, an insulin receptor-like gene that regulates longevity and diapause in Caenorhabditis elegans.Asymmetric Evolution of Photoperiodic Diapause in Temperate and Tropical Invasive Populations of Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae)A phosphatidylinositol-3-OH kinase family member regulating longevity and diapause in Caenorhabditis elegansA PDK1 homolog is necessary and sufficient to transduce AGE-1 PI3 kinase signals that regulate diapause in Caenorhabditis elegansAdaptation to Seasonality in a Cricket: Patterns of Phenotypic and Genotypic Variation in Body Size and Diapause Expression Along a ...