- defeat the champion
- "All's well that ends well"is the dictum of unanimous common sense.
“结果好就一切都好,”这是我们的常识一致公认的名言。 - Ever sinceWebster's dictum has been regarded as a principle of international law
A Dictum for Monetary TheorySAMUELSON'S DICTUM AND THE STOCK MARKETDivide et Impera: The Dictum of PeroxisomesPositioning the nodule, the hormone dictumVale dictum: an editor's view of the field of pediatric psychology and its journal.Masculinity-femininity: an exception to a famous dictum?Positioning the nodule, the hormone dictum. Plant Signal Behav 4:89-93Bagehot's dictum in practice: formulating and implementing policies to combat the financial crisisA reevaluation of Rescorla's early dictums about Pavlovian conditioned inhibition.Long-term neuropathy after oxaliplatin treatment: challenging the dictum of reversibility.