- Pavement dilapidation data is the most important data of pavement maintenance management.
Dilapidation et prodigalité
Model for dilapidation mechanism of riverbank
Study on detecting dilapidation of duck egg by audio signal
Dilapidation in schizophrenia: relationship to negative syndrome and prefrontal impairment
Design of Automatic Detection Device for Eggs Dilapidation
Evaluation of Pavement Dilapidation in Permafrost Region Based on Matter-Element Model
On the Necessity of Establishing the File on Dilapidation Record of Ancient Books
Discussion on Asphalt Road Surface of Highway Forepart Dilapidation and Prevention
Similar simulated experiment for continuous mining and roof dilapidation of ore body underground
Achieving Sustainable Urban Renewal in Hong Kong: Strategy for Dilapidation Assessment of High Rises