Dinner Time!
Dinner Time
Dinner time?
Narrative Interaction in Family Dinnertime Conversations
The 'Father Knows Best' Dynamic in Dinnertime Narratives
Dinnertime stories: connecting family practices with relationship beliefs and child adjustment
Dinnertime and bedtime routines and rituals in families with a young child with an autism spectrum disorder
For Mars Rover Curiosity, at Last, It's Dinnertime. on the Menu: Dirt
Learning about work at dinnertime: language socialization in dual-earner American families
Teaching preschoolers to use appropriate dinnertime conversation: An analysis of generalization from school to home
The psychological and social dynamics of topic performance in family dinnertime conversation
Why is This a Battle Every Night?: Negotiating Food and Eating in American Dinnertime Interaction
Socialization in communication: pragmatic socialization during dinnertime in Estonian, Finnish and Swedish families