dinning room餐厅
dinning hall餐厅
- They were unable to sleep because of the din coming from the bar.
酒吧里传来的喧闹声吵得他们无法入睡。 - Anything was preferable to that dreadful din in the house.
- I need not din into your ears the importance of independent thinking.
我用不着完没了地同你谈独立思考的重要性。 - I dinned it into him that he had to manage things differently.
我三番五次告诉他得改一改处理事情的方法了。 - The shouts of the boys dinned his ear.
An empirical comparison of monitoring algorithms for access anomaly detectionAn empirical comparison of monitoring algorithms for access anomaly detectionA bile acid-induced apoptosis assay for colon cancer risk and associated quality control studies.Detecting access anomalies in programs with critical sectionsAn empirical comparison of monitoring algorithms for access anomaly detectionThe proximal colonic motor response to rectal mechanical and chemical stimulationAbnormal predefecatory colonic motor patterns define constipation in obstructed defecation ☆Spatial and temporal organization of pressure patterns throughout the unprepared colon during spontaneous defecationPrevalence of distal colonic neoplasia associated with proximal colon cancersProlonged multi-point recording of colonic manometry in the unprepared human colon: providing insight into potentially relevant pres...