- He succeeded by dint of hard work.
他通过辛勤努力才获得成功。 - He reached the top by dint of great effort.
他费了很大的劲终於爬到了顶。 - The problems must be tackled by dint of education.
A three-dimensional model of the myoglobin molecule obtained by x-ray analysis.
Allergenicity and antigenicity of chicken egg ovomucoid (Gal d III) compared with ovalbumin (Gal d I) in children with egg allergy a...
Picogram quantities of anti-Ig antibodies coupled to dextran induce B cell proliferation
Derivatization of cross-linked polyacrylamide beads. Controlled introduction of functional groups for the preparation of special-pur...
Assembly of the Peptide Chains of Hemoglobin
The effects of parenting on the development of adolescent alcohol misuse: A six-wave latent growth model.
Molecular determinants of immunogenicity: the immunon model of immune response
Effects of Parental Monitoring and Peer Deviance on Substance Use and Delinquency
Mammaglobin expression in primary, metastatic, and occult breast cancer.
Parental and peer influences on the onset of heavier drinking among adolescents.