Conversion of diploidy to haploidy.Haploidy or diploidy: which is better?Haplodiploidy and the Evolution of the Social InsectsHypodiploidy is a major prognostic factor in multiple myelomaSomatic mutation favors the evolution of diploidyBoth hypodiploidy and deletion of chromosome 13 independently confer poor prognosis in multiple myeloma.GENETIC ORIGIN OF MALE DIPLOIDY IN THE FIRE ANT, SOLENOPSIS INVICTA (HYMENOPTERA: FORMICIDAE), AND ITS EVOLUTIONARY SIGNIFICANCENonstationary function optimization using genetic algorithm with dominance and diploidyNonstationary function optimization using genetic algorithm with dominance and diploidyGenetic consequences of packaging two RNA genomes in one retroviral particle: pseudodiploidy and high rate of genetic recombination