- He was disconcerted to find the other guests formally dressed.
Cultivating disconcertment
Drummond’s poetry: between magic and the disconcert of the world
Digital technologies, dreams and disconcertment in anthropological worldmaking
Findings from the Literacy Scandal: "The Same Disconcert and Tremulousness and Meditation."
Notion of Veil in Islam : A Sign of Placate or Disconcert among the Women of Karachi, Pakistan
The ethnographer in the text: Stories of disconcertment in the changing worlds of north Australian social research [Editorial]
The generative role of narrative in ethnographies of disconcertment: Social scientists participating in the public problems of North...
O desconcerto da máquina do mundo: Drummond relendo a tradição camoniana / The disconcertment of the world machine: Drummond rere...
Positive Davies Dangles Wembley Incentive ; COCA-COLA CHAMPIONSHIP. Declining Form Fails to Disconcert Derby Manager as He Applauds ...
Why I Am Proud to Be a Single Mother - and May Even Do It Again; from Edwina Currie's Daughter Debbie, a Candid - If Disconcerting -...