- He signed his disapproval with a dismissive hand gesture.
他用轻蔑的手势表示他不同意。 - She gives one short, dismissive shake of her head. "It's nothing."
她不赞同的轻摇了下她的头。“没什么好说的。” - Her manner was coldly dismissive.
她态度冷淡,不屑一顾。 - Reviewers were dismissive, and the play closed within a week.
由于评论界持否定态度 - They partner with the state, even when they are dismissive of its bureaucracy.
Policy autism or double-edged dismissiveness? Australia's climate policy under the Howard government
Development of Emotional Intelligence: A Skeptical – but Not Dismissive – Perspective
The renunciation of love: Dismissive attachment and its treatment.
Dismissive attachment and posttraumatic stress disorder among securely and insecurely attached Belgian security workers
One CEO's trip from dismissive to convinced
Staying for an answer - The untidy process of groping for truth (The Higher Dismissiveness)
Attachment and health care utilization among middle-aged and older African-descent men: dismissiveness predicts less frequent digita...
When and why children first start to smoke
Adult Attachment and Patterns of Extradyadic Involvement
Changes in clients' attachment styles over the course of time-limited dynamic psychotherapy.