What is a Dispositive?DISPOSITIVE OF ALLPIED SAFETY IN VESTDispositive der Macht. Über Sexualität, Wissen und WahrheitPROCESS AND DISPOSITIVE OF AUTOMATIC SEALING FOR PIPING EXITSFoucault’s dispositive: : The perspicacity of dispositive analytics in organizational researchThe Discovery of HD 37605c and a Dispositive Null Detection of Transits of HD 37605bSocial media, prosumption, and dispositives: New mechanisms of the construction of subjectivityDiskurse und Dispositive analysieren. Die Wissenssoziologische Diskursanalyse als Beitrag zu einer wissensanalytischen Profilierung ...Theoretical and methodolog ical aspects of Foucauldian critical discourse analysis and dispositive analysisDiscourse and knowledge: Theoretical and methodological aspects of a critical discourse and dispositive analysis