- Franz felt a shudder run through his veins at observing that the feeling of the duke and the countess was so much in unison with his own personal disquietude.
DisquietudeThe Book of DisquietudeBERNARDO SOARES: DISQUIETUDE AND ETERNITYWittgenstein: Deep Disquietudes: Reflections on Wittgenstein as AntiphilosopherLists of Motions: Francis Bacon on Material DisquietudeLists of Motions: Francis Bacon on Material DisquietudeThe book of disquietude : by Bernardo Soares, assistant bookkeeper in the city of LisbonETHICAL PROBLEMATIZATIONS: DISQUIETUDES FOR EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH ON GENDER AND SEXUALITYDebunking the Diasporic "China Doll"with Satirical Disquietude: Young Jean Lee's Songs of the Dragons Flying to HeavenMarginality in the Information Age: The Socio-Demographics of Computer Disquietude. A Short Research Note