- According to the result of the dissection, the man died from heart attack.
根据解剖结果,此人死于心脏病发作。 - Her first dissection made her change her mind about becoming a doctor.
她进行了首次解剖后就改变了要当医生的想法。 - A dissection of your argument shows several inconsistencies.
对你论点作仔细分析后发现一些前后矛盾之处。 - Your enjoyment of a novel can suffer from too much analysis and dissection.
Genetic dissection of complex traits.
Genetic Dissection of Complex Treaits
Micromanipulation and dissection of asci.
Extended Lymph-Node Dissection for Gastric Cancer
Genetic dissection of complex traits: guidelines for interpreting and reporting linkage results.
Dissection of TNF receptor 1 effector functions: JNK activation is not linked to apoptosis while NF-kappaB activation prevents cell ...
A randomized comparison of sentinel-node biopsy with routine axillary dissection in breast cancer
Effect of Axillary Dissection vs No Axillary Dissection on 10-Year Overall Survival Among Women With Invasive Breast Cancer and Sent...
Comparing radical mastectomy with quadrantectomy, axillary dissection, and radiotherapy in patients with small cancers of the breast.
Four-year experience with Palmaz-Schatz stenting in coronary angioplasty complicated by dissection with threatened or present vessel...