I. leipzig und altorf 1663 -; 1666, 8. dissertatio de arte combinatoria 1666
Francisci Blanchini ... De tribus generibus instrumentorum musicae veterum organicae dissertatio
Autoregulatory and Paracrine Control of Synaptic and Behavioral Plasticity by Dual Modes of Octopaminergic Signaling: A Dissertation
Nutrition profile, antioxidative potential and sensory quality of bread supplemented with sugar beet molasses. Doctoral dissertation
Regulation of cell polarization and map kinase signaling in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae pheromone response pathway : a dissertation /
Theoria novi multiplicatoris systemati aequationum differentialium vulgarium applicandi. (Cont. dissert. tom. XXVII). : Journal für...
The Analogy of Religion Natural and Revealed, to the Constitution and Course of Nature, to Which Are Added Two Brief Dissertations: ...
Stateless Core: A Scalable Approach For Quality Of Service In The Internet : Winning Thesis of the 2001 ACM Doctoral Dissertation Co...
The return to the sacred path : healing from historical trauma and historical unresolved grief among the Lakota : a dissertation bas...
Street, M. 1993: Analysis of Late Palaeolithic and Mesolithic faunal assemblages in the Northern Rhineland, Germany. Dissertation (a...