- The dissipated young man holds his reputation cheap.
这位放荡的年轻人不珍视他的名声。 - A dissipated life has ruined his future.
Erratum to “NO x generation in laser-produced plasma in air as a function of dissipated energy”
Directed diffusion for wireless sensor networking
Discrete particle simulation of bubble and slug formation in a two-dimensional gas-fluidised bed: A hard-sphere approach
Imperfect Information, Dividend Policy, and "The Bird in the Hand"Fallacy
Cooling apparatus and system thereof
Ocean Tide Models Developed by Assimilating TOPEX/POSEIDON Altimeter Data into Hydrodynamical Model: A Global Model and a Regional M...
A Contact Force Model With Hysteresis Damping for Impact Analysis of Multibody Systems
The Two-Phase Pair Corona Model for Active Galactic Nuclei and X-ray Binaries: How to Obtain Exact Solutions
An Integrated Circuit/Architecture Approach to Reducing Leakage in Deep-Submicron High-Performance I-Caches
Hydrodynamic modelling of dense gas-fluidised beds using the kinetic theory of granular flow: effect of coefficient of restitution o...