Catheter a pointe dissolubleRapidly dissoluble medicinal dosage unit and method of manufactureRAPIDLY DISSOLUBLE MEDICINAL DOSAGE UNIT AND METHOD OF MANUFACTUREPresent and Future Prospect of Dissoluble Buffering Package MaterialsEvaluation of Gravimetric Methods for Dissoluble Matter in Extracts of Environmental SamplesThe technique of increasing enzymolysis dissoluble protein proportion of Engraulis japonicusStudies on pharmacokinetics of Yu-mei dissoluble tablets and bioequivalence of its two formulationsA fast high-intensity pulsed electric fields (PEF)-assisted extraction of dissoluble calcium from boneInfluence Factors of Soil Dissoluble Organic Matter (Carbon) in Forest Ecosystems: A Review*: Influence Factors of Soil Dissoluble O...Mathematical modeling and in vitro study of controlled drug release via a highly swellable and dissoluble polymer matrix: polyethyle...