liquid distributor[化]布液管,液体分配头
air distributor空气分配器;空气分布箱
sole distributor独家经销商;独家发行人
exclusive distributor独家经销商
water distributor布水管
ignition distributor点火分电器;点火配电盘
asphalt distributor沥青洒布车;沥青喷洒机
wholesale distributor批发商
oil distributor配油机
distributor cap分电器盖;分火盖
The Good, the Bad, and the Ambivalent: Managing Identification among Amway Distributors
Multicomponent transport in porous electrodes of proton exchange membrane fuel cells using the interdigitated gas distributors
Methods and apparatus for transferring product information from manufacturers to retailers and distributors via the Internet
Redesign of a Burner Tip with Multiple Integrated Flow Distributors
Multicriteria Evaluation in Physical Planning
A Two-Dimensional, Two-Phase, Multicomponent, Transient Model for the Cathode of a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Using Conventi...
Marketing Strategy-Performance Relationship: An Investigation of the Empirical Link in Export Market Ventures
The Use of Influence Strategies in Interfirm Relationships in Industrial Product Channels
A system dynamics model for dynamic capacity planning of remanufacturing in closed-loop supply chains
Supply chain networks, electronic commerce, and supply side and demand side risk