Losing by Judicial Policymaking: The First Year of the AT &Asset divestiture following horizontal acquisitions: a dynamic viewDivestiture: strategy's missing linkPredicting divestiture of unrelated acquisitions: an integrative model of ex ante conditionsAssessment and redirection of longitudinal analysis demonstration with a study of the diversification and divestiture relationshipDivisionalization, Franchising, and Divestiture Incentives in OligopolyAdditional Evidence on the Relation Between Divestiture Announcements and Shareholder WealthCommunication, procedural justice, and employee attitudes: relationships under conditions of divestitureThe Timing and Substance of Divestiture Announcements: Individual, Simultaneous and Cumulative EffectsThe Positive Announcement‐Period Returns of Equity Carveouts: Asymmetric Information or Divestiture Gains?*