Congenital morphological abnormalities of the distal vertebral arteries (CMADVA) and their relationship with vertigo and dizziness.
Evaluation of the efficacy of caffeine cessation, nortriptyline, and topiramate therapy in vestibular migraine and complex dizziness...
Differences in fear of falling in the elderly with or without dizzines.
Conversion of pregnenolone and pregnenolone sulfate to other steroid sulfates by the human fetus perfused at midgestation
Fighting for control in an unpredictable life - a qualitative study of older persons' experiences of living with chronic dizziness.
About the Heart Dizziress of Su Man Shu During the Collision Between the East Culture and the West Culture
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: Factor Structure, Internal Consistency and Convergent Validity in Patients with Dizziness.
Vertigo and dizzines reflecting functional disorders.
Supplementation with hydrocortisone on the 3rd-5th day following dexamethasone premedicated chemotherapy eliminated severe dizziness...
Percutaneous laser disc decompression for the treatment of cervical dizzness