Reduced intensity conditioning and prophylactic DLI can cure patients with high-risk acute leukaemias if complete donor chimerism ca...
Lymphodepletion followed by donor lymphocyte infusion (DLI) causes significantly more acute graft-versus-host disease than DLI alone
Modified donor lymphocyte infusion (DLI) for the prophylaxis of leukemia relapse after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in pa...
Working Towards an Understanding of Digital Library Use: A Report onthe User Research Efforts of the NSF/ARPA/NASA DLI Projects
Refractory Evans’ syndrome treated with allogeneic SCT followed by DLI. Demonstration of a graft-vs.-autoimmunity effect
Donor lymphocyte infusions (DLI) in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia following allogeneic bone marrow transplantation
Outcome of patients developing GVHD after DLI given to treat CML relapse: a study by the Chronic Leukemia Working Party of the EBMT.
Administration of short-term immunosuppressive agents after DLI reduces the incidence of DLI-associated acute GVHD without influenci...
New CT index to quantify arterial obstruction in pulmonary embolism: comparison with angiographic index and echocardiography.
Searching protein structure database with DliLite v. 3