- There are many people in the park; some are walking, others are jogging, and still others are doing exercises.
公园里有很多人,有的在散步,有的在慢跑,还有的在做操。 - She watch them do exercises this morning.
Do exercise balls provide a training advantage for trunk extensor exercises? A biomechanical evaluation.
Oxidative stress and DNA damage in older adults that do exercises regularly.
Do Positive Psychology Exercises Work? A Replication of Seligman et al. ()
Do vocal warm-up exercises alleviate vocal fatigue?
Do pre-operative abdominal exercises prevent post-operative donor site complications for women undergoing DIEP flap breast reconstru...
Do exercises prevent musculoskeletal complications after cardiac surgery?
Do exercises used in injury prevention programmes modify cutting task biomechanics? A systematic review with meta-analysis.
Do swallowing exercises improve swallowing dynamic and quality of life in Parkinson's disease?
Do Critical Thinking Exercises Improve Critical Thinking Skills?.
Do exercises improve back pain in pregnancy?