An Experiment to Extract the DNA : Easy-to-do Experiment on DNA Extraction at Lower Secondary School LevelDo Stable Isotopes Reflect Nutritional Stress? Results from a Laboratory Experiment on Song SparrowsLessons Learned in the Livingstone 2 on Earth Observing One Flight ExperimentDo high school sports build character? A quasi-experiment on a national sampleBiogeochemical effects of macroalgal decomposition on intertidal microbenthos: A microcosm experimentThe power spectrum of injection lasers: The theory and experiment on a nonlinear model of lasingDesign and experiment on 4U1Z vibrating potato diggerModeling of chemistry and chemistry-radiation coupling processes for the middle atmosphere and a numerical experiment on CO2 doublin...Zarnitza rocket experiment on electron injectionAn animal experiment on fatigue-resisting action of sedum lineare