The Nativity Stories and Docetism
The Gospel of Peter: Docetism Reconsidered
Martyrdom and docetism in hilary of poitiers's de trinitate
Narrative Docetism: Christology and Storytelling in the Gospel of John
Pauline reception and the problem of Docetism.
Christ an Angel? A study of early Christian docetism
The Greek and Jewish Origins of Docetism: A New Proposal : Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum
Mary's Virginity in partu and Tertullian's anti-Docetism in De Carne Christi Reconsidered
Gnosticism, docetism, and the Judaisms of the first century : the search for the wider context of the Johannine literature and why i...
Women and ‘Conformity to Christ' Image’ The Challenge of Avoiding Docetism and Affirming Inclusivism