- Today's economists tend to be open-minded about content, but doctrinaire about form.
- And they do not like coming across as doctrinaire and mean-spirited.
况且他们也不愿意留给人们的印象就是死板守旧和铁石心肠。 - The world needs a less doctrinaire approach to foreign capital flows.
我们需要一种不那么教条的方法来对待外资流动。 - Don't be so doctrinaire about things.
Relationship between Population Growth and Environment: from the Doctrinaire to the Empirical. [Relations entre croissance demograph...
Out of Order: Affirmative Action and the Crisis of Doctrinaire Liberalism
Doctrinaire Economics and Political Opportunism in the Strategy of Algerian Islamism
Doctrinaire Economics and Political Opportunism in the Strategy of Algerian Islamism
From Traditional to Behavioral Economics. A Doctrinaire Perspective
Thorbecke Revisited. De rol van het doctrinaire liberalisme in de Nederlandse politiek
Approaching Military Transformation through Modern Doctrinaire-Operational Concepts
Nationalisation of industries in India : doctrinaire adherence redundant
William Freeman Vilas : doctrinaire Democrat
Pendekatan Scientific Cum Doctrinaire pada Studi Islam