- The thief evaded the police by dodging into the alley.
小偷躲进巷子里以避开警察。 - Divers search for eggs on the sea floor dodging schools of fish, then turning in eggs for prizes.
Dodging The Crisis Of Folding Proteins With Knots
Dodging the crisis of folding proteins with knots
Dodging the Taxman: Firm Misreporting and Limits to Tax Enforcement
Gaming the System: Dodging the Rules, Ruling the Dodgers
Dodging the glass ceiling? Networks and the new wave of women entrepreneurs
Dodging the grabbing hand: the determinants of unofficial activity in 69 countries
Dodging matrix effects in liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometric assays--compilation of key learnings and perspectives
Food wrenching and dodging: use of action patterns for the analysis of sensorimotor and social behavior in the rat.
Food wrenching and dodging: A neuroethological test of cortical and dopaminergic contributions to sensorimotor behavior in the rat.
Above-Threshold Ionization by an Elliptically Polarized Field: Quantum Tunneling Interferences and Classical Dodging