Descriptions of new dogfishes of the genus Squalus (Squaloidea: Squalidae)Nervous Control of Stomach Movements in Dogfishes and RaysPhysiology of reproduction in the dogfishes, Mustelus canis and Squalus acanthiasAge, growth and reproduction of deepwater dogfishes from southeastern AustraliaStudies on the reproduction of Japanese smooth dogfishes, Mustelus manazo and M. griseusA Contribution to Our Knowledge of the Life-Histories of the Dogfishes Landed at PlymouthComposition and ultrastructure of elasmobranch granulocytes. I. Dogfishes (Squaliformes)Contamination levels of mercury in the muscle of female and male spiny dogfishes (Squalus acanthias) caught off the coast of JapanThe photoreceptor system in the retinae of two dogfishes, Scyliorhinuscanicula and Galeus melastomus: possible relationship with dep...Molecular diversity and distribution of eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean dogfishes Squalus highlight taxonomic issues in the genus