- I'm feeling really dopey this morning.
今天上午我一直昏昏沉沉的。 - He doesn't understand half you say to him; he seems to be dopey.
""Joe the Greaser"Pleads Guilty and Tells of Labor Union Thuggery"- New York Times
dopey family member 2
Surveying the Quality of Care Services in a Military Health Center According to the SERVQUAL Model
Status of prerequisite programs for the implementation of HACCP system in chain restaurants in Iran
Do the Hospitals of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences perform efficiently? Non-parametric Data Envelopment Analysis
Assessing relationship between job stress, self efficacy and coping among teaching hospitals staff in Tabriz University of Medical s...
Health Sector Evolution Plan of Iran: A Challenge for Military Hospitals
The Status of Outsourcing Services in a Specialized Tehran Hospital Using SWOT
Assessment inequality in access to public cardiovascular health services in Iran