- By day the monotonous hours wore on in the same heavy, hashed manner as on that first dreary afternoon.
在白天,那沉闷的时刻,就和第一个凄凉的下午一样,忧郁寂寞地度过。 - Its yellow ambiguous stripes and dreary sky are homologous, which makes the world harmonious.
它背上灰黄斑驳的花纹,跟沉闷的天空遥遥相应,造成和谐的色调。 - Hurstwood's dreary state made its beauty become more and more vivid.
The Dreariest and the Longest Journey : A Study on The Longest Journey
"To make a garden spot of one of the dreariest places on the planet": Federal reclamation on the Zuni and Navajo reservations 1883-1...
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