- He was robed in a wonderful dressing gown, and puffing his pipe in gloomy silence.
他穿着光怪陆离的晨衣,闷闷不乐地吸着烟斗。 - The actors rehearse in their dressing gowns and then adjourn for final costume adjustments, while Lucas and Knoll continue to examine the footage.
Dressing Gown
Dressing Gown
Dressing gown hood
Hospital dressing gown construction
Mother putting dressing gown on daughter (2-3) in bathroom
Diderot's Old Dressing Gown and Male Indoor Dress during the Enlightenment
The Ladybird, the Dressing Gown and Pasolds: Cultural Icons of the 'Golden Age' of British Childhood
Women in Prison and Women in Dressing Gowns: Rediscovering the 1950s films of J. Lee Thompson
Denis Diderot, Regrets on Parting with My Old Dressing Gown, translated by Kate Tunstall and Katie Scott
The Philosopher’s Room: Diderot’s Regrets on Parting with My Old Dressing Gown