Dribbler, Passer, Poacher
Liquid dribbler for toilet training
Soccer Dribbler Design for the Eagle Knights RoboCup Small Size Robot
Le lyrisme du dribbleur( Lyricism of a dribbler )
Diseño del sistema de locomoción y dribbler de un microrobot
Left in the Dark; Coach Can't Win without a Dribbler, Says Waddle
Design and implementation of movement, dribbler and kicker for wheeled soccer robot
The democratic dribbler: football clubs, neoliberal globalization, and Buenos Aires' municipal election of 2003.
Strategies for defending a dribbler: categorisation of three defensive patterns in 1-on-1 basketball
The preparatory state of ground reaction forces in defending against a dribbler in a basketball 1-on-1 dribble subphase.