- People arrived at the party in dribs and drabs.
人们零零散散地来到聚会上。 - Taxes were collected in dribs and drabs.
Dribs and Drabs for the Credit Union Long Haul
Dribs and drabs and new information in the reit legislative process
We Fought Together and Won Together but Came Home in Dribs and Drabs; CRICKET AFTER THE ASHES, THE ANTI-CLIMAX
Laptop power efficiency increases in dribs and drabs
Of Dribs and Drabs and Credit Cards, and Savings Bonds, and Things What Happens When Bond Prices Change
No Moore’s Law for batteries: Improvements come in dribs and drabs
'Dribs and Drabs' of Information Keep Turkmen Plot in Shadows; Leader Rounds Up Foes After Alleged Attempt on Life
Dribs and Drabs and the Legislative Process: 1999 REIT Modernization Act
More Dribs and Drabs after the Big Health Care Ruling
Modern War, Unlike Tsunami, Comes in Dribs and Drabs