The Lofoten contourite drift off Norway
Shoulder Rumble Strip Effectiveness: Drift-Off-Road Accident Reductions on the Pennsylvania Turnpike
Particle Drift in the Surface Layer off Southwest Nova Scotia; Descrip...
Catch and Bycatch in the Shark Drift Gillnet Fishery off Georgia and East Florida
The terrace like feature in the mid-continental slope region off Trivandrum and a plausible model for India–Madagascar juxtapositio...
Pack-Ice Drift off East Antarctica and some Implications
Evidence for the influence of radial and poloidal drift velocities on the scrape-off layer of a toroidal limiter
Evidence for counterflow to the west wind drift off South America
Pack ice drift off East Antarctica and some implications. Ann Glaciol
Seasonal and Spatial Variations of Iceberg Drift off Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, Detected by Satellite Scatterometers