Universal drill-down system for coordinated presentation of items in different databases
Anne O'Tate: A tool to support user-driven summarization, drill-down and browsing of PubMed search results
Identification of novel molecular targets for endometrial cancer using a drill-down LC-MS/MS approach with iTRAQ
Information Drill-down using Web tools
Information Drill-down using Web tools
User-switching behavior in social network sites: A model perspective with drill-down analyses
Provenance-Based Debugging and Drill-Down in Data-Oriented Workflows
Multiple Foci Drill-Down through Tuple and Attribute Aggregation Polyarchies in Tabular Data
Multiple Foci Drill-Down through Tuple and Attribute Aggregation Polyarchies in Tabular Data
Efficient Roll-Up and Drill-Down Analysis in Relational Databases