- Constant dropping wears away a stone.
- You lost your eye to a seagull droppings?
海鸥粪把你的眼睛弄瞎了? - The droppings from the fowls make the ground rich in nitrogen.
鸟粪使土地含氮丰富。 - There were bird droppings all over the car parked under the tree.
Dropping out of treatment: a critical review
Microring resonator channel dropping filters
Dropping out of High School: The Role of School Organization and Structure
Dropping out of Middle School: A Multilevel Analysis of Students and Schools
Social capital and dropping out of high school: Benefits to at-risk students of teachers' support and guidance.
Ultra-compact Si-SiO2 microring resonator optical channel dropping filters
The Epidemic Theory of Ghettos and Neighborhood Effects on Dropping Out and Teenage Childbearing
Monitoring mRNA expression by polymerase chain reaction: the "primer-dropping"method.
Proportional differentiated services, part II: loss rate differentiation and packet dropping
Parental Involvement as Social Capital: Differential Effectiveness on Science Achievement, Truancy, and Dropping Out