用作动词 (v.)
~+名词- drown house淹没房子
- drown one's sorrows in drink借酒浇愁
- drown one's troubles in drink借酒浇愁
- drown street淹没街道
- drown voice淹没声音
~+副词- drown easily容易淹死
- drown gradually渐渐沉没
~+介词- be drowned by flood被洪水淹没
- be drowned by the noise被吵闹声淹没
- be drowned in sleep酣睡
- be drowned in the noise被吵闹声淹没
- The little girl drowned in the river.
小女孩在河里淹死了。 - If you can keep your head above water, you won't drown.
- It is cruel to drown the cat in the river.
把猫淹死在河里是件残忍的事。 - The band drowned our conversation.
Drowned ancient islands of the Pacific Basin
The paradox of drowned reefs and carbonate platforms
Drowned forests and archaeology on the continental shelf of British Columbia, Canada
Drowned islands downstream from the Galapagos hotspot imply extended speciation times
New evidence for drowned shelf edge reefs in the Great Barrier Reef, Australia
The paradox of drowned carbonate platforms and the origin of Cretaceous Pacific guyots
Drowned 14-m.y.-old Galápagos archipelago off the coast of Costa Rica: Implications for tectonic and evolutionary models
Factors influencing internal P loading in a western Michigan, drowned river-mouth lake
Crustal subsidence rate off Hawaii determined from 234U/238U ages of drowned coral reefs
Outcome of 12 drowned children with attempted resuscitation on cardiopulmonary bypass: an analysis of variables based on the "Utstei...