- Police are cracking down on drug dealers.
警方现对贩毒分子严惩不贷。 - Little progress has been made in the war against drug traffickers.
Robbing Drug Dealers
What Drug Dealers Tell Us About Their Costs of Doing Business
Robbing Drug Dealers: Violence beyond the Law by Bruce A. Jacobs
Pusher Myths: Re-situating the Drug Dealer
Drug Dealers, Robbery and Retaliation. Vulnerability, Deterrence and the Contagion of Violence
Black Drug Dealers In A White Welfare State: Cannabis Dealing and Street Capital in Norway
Gender, trust and business: women drug dealers in the illicit economy
Patterns of prescription medication diversion among drug dealers
Shifts and Oscillations in Deviant Careers: The Case of Upper-Level Drug Dealers and Smugglers
Dangerous Drug Adulteration - An International Survey of Drug Dealers Using the Internet and the World Wide Web (WWW)