hair dryer电吹风,电风机;吹风机
spray dryer喷雾干燥器
rotary dryer旋转干燥器
air dryer空气干燥器
clothes dryer干衣机
drum dryer转鼓式干燥机
hopper dryer加料斗干燥器
hand dryer烘手机;干手机
electric hair dryer电吹风机
- Schiele has installed Air Motion Systems Peak IR dryers on both MLP presses and says he's considering the addition of an AMS UV curing system next year.
Review of solar dryers for agricultural and marine products
Anti-static device for clothes, clothes dryers
Review of research and development work on solar dryers for grape drying
A comprehensive procedure for performance evaluation of solar food dryers
Energy efficiency analysis of air cycle heat pump dryers
R&D of Advanced Solar Dryers in Malaysia: (1) Air Based Solar Collectors
Substantial Product Hazard List: Hand-Supported Hair Dryers
Specification Tests for the Multinomial Logit Model.
Solar-energy drying systems: A review
Review of solar-energy drying systems II: an overview of solar drying technology