- Bobby's a pretty hip guy with his own car and a ducktail hairdo.
'Ducktail Party' Kicks off PACE Events
Illustration of a ducktail
The problem of the 'ducktail' in the Greyville area of Durban.
1-Minute Hike: Partridge and Ducktail Ponds in Amherst
Identities in the Ducktail Youth Subculture in Post-World-War-Two South Africa
Tough, and: An Elegiac Point of Honor, and: Ducktail
Collective identity in the Ducktail subculture in post-World War II South Africa
An Investigation into the Use of Ducktail at Transom Stern to Reduce Total Ship Resistance
The conundrum of discourses on youth: Knowledge, power and state responses to The Ducktail Subculture in the 1950s