Diffusion of benzotriazoles in polypropylene influence of polymer morphology and stabilizer structure
Vortex pinning due to strong quasiparticle scattering at antiphase boundaries in YBa2Cu3O7-delta
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of pseudoelasticity
DWBA in the shell-model approach to nuclear reactions
Role of interactions in 87Rb-40K Bose-Fermi mixtures in a 3D optical lattice.
Synchronous Information Presented in 40HZ Flicker Enhances Visual Feature Binding
Efficient Collocation Schemes for Singular Boundary Value Problems
Edge-Based Multigrid and Preconditioning for Hybrid Grids
The perceptual evaluation of F[sub 0] excursions in speech as evidenced in liveliness estimations
The influence of support on the geminal dicarbonyl species RhI(CO)2 on supported rhodium catalysts: an IR spectroscopic study