Dynamic asset pricing theoryMilli-Scale Junction Flow ExperimentsExperimental Investigation of Flow in Planar Microtube NetworksMODIFICATION OF BICUBIC SURFACE PATCHES USING LEAST-SQUARES FITTING TECHNIQUES.The Use of the Infinitive and the -ing after Verbs Denoting the Beginning, Middle and End of an EventThe Gerund and the Infinitive with the Verbs intend, mean, propose and their Close SynonymsThe infinitive and the -ing as complements of verbs of positive and negative recallA wide-band printed double-sided dipole arrayGossypol. Synthesis and in vitro spermicidal activity of isomeric hemigossypol derivativesGerund versus Infinitive as Complement of Transitive Verbs in EnglishThe Problems of “Tense” and “Control”