- The woodsy site where the bones were found is known as Duffy's Cut.
Shavonne Duffy
Prevalence of Rh, Duffy, Kell, Kidd & MNSs blood group antigens in the Indian blood donor population
Erythrocyte receptors for (Plasmodium knowlesi) malaria: Duffy blood group determinants.
The resistance factor to Plasmodium vivax in blacks. The Duffy-blood-group genotype, FyFy.
Disruption of a GATA motif in the Duffy gene promoter abolishes erythroid gene expression in Duffy-negative individuals.
Functional and biochemical analysis of the cloned Duffy antigen: identity with the red blood cell chemokine receptor.
Duffy, Jean J., Using French Vocabulary. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999, ix + 476 pp. 0 521...
GAELIC IRELAND: Land, Lordship & Settlement c.1250-c.1650 by Patrick J. Duffy; David Edwards; Elizabeth FitzPatrick
Youth and Theatre of the Oppressed. Edited by Peter Duffy and Elinor Vettraino. New York: Palgrave Macmi...
God's Century: Resurgent Religion and Global Politics. By Monica Duffy Toft, Daniel Philpott, and Timoth...