DvandvaDvandvaModern Greek V V dvandva compounds: A linguistic innovation in the history of the Indo-European languages 1Origin and Development of the Elliptic Dual and of Dvandva CompoundsGreek Dvandva CompoundsDvandva, Tatpurusa and Bahuvrhi: on the Vedic sources for the names of the compound types in Pānini’s grammarDevata-Dvandva in Hittite, Greek, and LatinThe Vedic Dual: Part VI, The Elliptic Dual; Part VII, The Dual DvandvaНекоторые наблюдения над атематическим dvandva в древнегреческом языкеTHE ROLE OF VERB STEM IN FORMATION OF COMPLEX WORDS REFERRING TO DVANDVA TYPE (ON THE MATERIALS OF BEDIL''S POETRY)