CLOCK RECOVERY FOR A DVB-T TO DVB-S TRANSMODULATORStandard conformable antenna diversity techniques for OFDM and its application to the DVB-T systemStandard conformable antenna diversity techniques for OFDM and its application to the DVB-T systemComparison of terrestrial DTV transmission systems: the ATSC 8-VSB, the DVB-T COFDM, and the ISDB-T BST-OFDMA dynamic scaling FFT processor for DVB-T applicationsDVB-T: the COFDM-based system for terrestrial televisionAn adaptive two-dimensional channel estimator for wireless OFDM with application to mobile DVB-TDVB-T: the COFDM-based system for terrestrial televisionTerrestrial DVB (DVB-T): A Broadcast Technology for Stationary Portable and Mobile UsePerformance of an Echo Canceller and Channel Estimator for On-Channel Repeaters in DVB-T/H Networks