- The absolute unit of pressure equals to one dyne per square centimeter.
Helping and voice extra-role behaviors: Evidence of construct and predictive validity.
Organizational citizenship behavior: Construct redefinition, measurement, and validation.
IAP antagonists induce autoubiquitination of c-IAPs, NF-kappaB activation, and TNFalpha-dependent apoptosis.
Cultural Intelligence: Its Measurement and Effects on Cultural Judgment and Decision Making, Cultural Adaptation and Task Performance
Conceptualizing Employee Silence and Employee Voice as Multidimensional Constructs*
Voice and cooperative behavior as contrasting forms of contextual performance: evidence of differential relationships with big five ...
Psychological ownership and feelings of possession: three field studies predicting employee attitudes and organizational citizenship...
Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Contingent Workers in Singapore
Extra-role behaviors: In pursuit of construct and definitional clarity
Predicting voice behavior in work groups.