- This is a multicystic dysplastic kidney.
这是一个发育不良的多囊肾。 - D. Nongynecologic physical findings that are observed more frequently among women with endometriosis are red hair color scoliosis and dysplastic nevi.
Detection of dysplastic intestinal adenomas using enzyme-sensing molecular beacons in mice.
Dysplastic changes in prophylactically removed Fallopian tubes of women predisposed to developing ovarian cancer
Intrinsic epileptogenicity of human dysplastic cortex as suggested by corticography and surgical results.
Studies on Dysplastic Acetabula and Congenital Subluxation of the Hip Joint with Special Reference to the Complication of Osteo-Arth...
The incidence of oesophageal adenocarcinoma in non-dysplastic Barrett's oesophagus: a meta-analysis
Overexpression of p16INK4A as a specific marker for dysplastic and neoplastic epithelial cells of the cervix uteri
Early ictal spect hyperperfusion in focal dysplastic lesions: spatial relationships with MRI abnormalities and potential for the non...
Colonoscopic polypectomy in chronic colitis: conservative management after endoscopic resection of dysplastic polyps.
Loss of heterozygosity affecting the p53, Rb, and mcc/apc tumor suppressor gene loci in dysplastic and cancerous ulcerative colitis.
Klaes R, Friedrich T, Spitkovsky D, et al. Overexpression of p16(INK4A) as a specific marker for dysplastic and neoplastic epithelia...