DystaxiaDystaxiadystaxiaDystaxia elegans Fall, 1905Dystaxia murrayi LeConte, 1866Dystaxia murrayi cuprea Knull, 1947Discussion on rehab methods of central nerve dystaxia of childrenThe Study of Early Intervention to Infants with Central Dystaxia[CONTRIBUTION TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF "HEREDITARY AREFLEXIC DYSTAXIA".]Case of an Unusual Form of Nervous Disease, Dystaxia or Pseudo-Paralysis Agitans, with Remarks.Dominant optic atrophy, deafness, ptosis, ophthalmoplegia, dystaxia, and myopathy. A new syndrome.[Discovery of an hereditary areflexic dystaxia (Roussy-Levy syndrome) in a patient hospitalized for acute glomerulonephritis]CLINICAL NUTRITION PROGRAM IMPROVES FOCUS, CONCENTRATION, DYSTAXIA AND DYSMETRIA IN 5 YEAR OLD BOY WITH HISTORY OF HEAD INJURY