- The houses in the village are mostly earthy.
村里的房子多数是用泥土打造的。 - The air is full of an earthy smell after the rain.
雨后的空气里弥漫着一种土腥味。 - He often has got a earthy sense of humour.
他常常有粗俗的幽默感。 - Michael has an earthy sense of humour; he likes rude jokes.
迈克尔有一种粗俗的幽默感,他喜欢讲粗俗的笑话。 - There was something vital and earthy and coarse about him that appealed to her.
他身上有一种生气勃勃的粗俗味儿吸引着她。 - I veer towards the earthy art of India, Indonesia and Malaysia.
印度、印尼和马来西亚的朴实的艺术作品深深吸引我。 - There is an earthy quality appreciated in music such as jazz or soul.
Oxidation of Five Earthy-Musty Taste and Odor Compounds
Oxidation of five earthy musty taste and odor compounds
Geosmin, an earthy-smelling substance isolated from actinomycetes. Appl Microbiol
Biosynthesis of the earthy odorant geosmin by a bifunctional Streptomyces coelicolor enzyme
Identification and quantification of geosmin, an earthy odorant contaminating wines.
Characterization of some mushroom and earthy off-odors microbially induced by the development of rot on grapes
Analysis of earthy and musty odors in water samples by solid-phase microextraction coupled with gas chromatography/ion trap mass spe...
Odorous compounds in natural waters. An earthy-smelling compound associated with blue-green algae and actinomycetes
Automated trace determination of earthy-musty odorous compounds in water samples by on-line purge-and-trap-gas chromatography-mass s...
Depuration rates and the sensory threshold concentration of geosmin responsible for earthy-musty taint in rainbow trout, Onchorhynch...