EchopraxiaEchopraxiaEchopraxiaECHOPRAXIA IN SCHIZOPHRENIA.SYMPTOMATIC ECHOPRAXIAEchopraxia in schizophrenia: possible mechanisms.Echopraxia and Self-Injurious Behavior in Tourette's Syndrome: A Case ReportThe pathophysiology of echopraxia/echolalia: Relevance to Gilles De La Tourette syndrome97. The assessment of echopraxia as a component of executive control deficit in traumatic brain injuryPalilalia, echolalia, and echopraxia–palipraxia as ictal manifestations in a patient with left frontal lobe epilepsy“Imagine You're a Machine”: Narrative Systems in Peter Watts'sBlindsightandEchopraxiaTHE CLINICAL SYNDROMES OF ECHOLALIA, ECHOPRAXIA, GRASPING AND SUCKING: THEIR SIGNIFICANCE IN THE DISORGANIZATION OF THE PERSONALITY.From “chameleon effect” to “mirror neurons” and to “echopraxia” —Human mimicry is a product of social interaction